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October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month. ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) sponsors this event to promote the adoption of dogs from local shelters.

According to the ASPCA, approximately 3.3 million dogs enter shelters every year. When these abandoned and often abused animals find their way to a shelter, each one needs a forever home and their potential is limitless. Some of the benefits of adoption are often hidden. Human and canine both enjoy increased activity and social interaction through daily walks. Humans develop patience as they learn the ways of their new four-legged companion. Dogs explore the many scents of the human lifestyle, usually discovering shoes are off limits. 

No matter the breed, size or demeanor of the human, er, canine, the shelter will take the time to find the right home for their animals. They schedule visits and have procedures in place to promote healthy adoptions for families and individuals. While some dogs have experienced injury or illness, the shelters work with veterinarians to heal the animals before making them available for adoption.

Of course, donations and volunteers are always welcome. Dogs love to be walked, played with and loved even if they haven’t found their forever home.  Every moment they spend socializing increases their opportunity for adoption.  During Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, visit, volunteer, donate and adopt!


Ideally, the best way to celebrate would be to adopt a shelter dog. However, if you are unable to do so, spread the word. Volunteers and donations are welcome, too!  


In 1981, the American Humane Association founded Adopt A Dog Month in response to the growing number of dogs and puppies entering shelters every year. Along with the need for shelters and adoptions, spaying and neutering help curb the rise in unwanted pets, too.